Sunday, September 2, 2012

Going to the Grocery Store!

Well one challange I found was going to the grocery store. Just know from now on, if you are alone and decide, "I'll make a quick stop at the store for ___, " you are wrong. :) I decided one day that Archer needed some more saline drops because he was so congested he just wasn't sleeping well or even just breathing well. SO, I stopped, got them both out and sat them on the ground next to me. I thought about getting out the stroller, but stopped because why haul out that big thing when I'm just getting one quick thing. I decided to put them both in a cart (luckily I parked right next to it). Well one car seat will fit in that child seat area...and the other one takes up almost all the room in the cart. Plan B: I will just muscle it and carry them. Well, that was fine since they both weighed under 6 lbs... until I had to pay and carry them a  bag, my purse and of course the candy bar I bought.

I finally got wised up and found a better way (especially when you need to get a lot). My husband and I work opposite shifts and so I have to take the twins with me to the store. I figured out that you take the time to put one in a baby carrier on you, and the other one (still in the car seat) in that child seat part of the shopping cart. Ta Da! Now you can have the whole cart available for groceries and can get both kids in and out of the store. It may take a while, but it is the most effective way. And since they are twins and will be running one day, I make it a habit already to park next to the shopping cart caddy thing. I will even park in the way back, or drive around for 10 minutes until I can park right next to one so that I can just plop the car seat in the front, then park that right between the car and the corral thing (so that he is safe) and then hook up the other baby in the carrier. This is also very helpful because when I am done at the store and we are loading up to go. I can put the babies in the car first, just like I got them ready but in reverse, and then it is much easier to load up the groceries and shove the cart in the corral as I'm getting in and everyone is nice and safe.

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